
CIES researchers honored by Ciência Viva

CIES hosts workshop on Creative Computing in Europe

A transformação dos votos em mandatos: O sistema eleitoral português em análise
New CIES e-Working Paper

The AspirE project meets in Hong Kong

Thais França selected as Visiting Professor at Brown University

Reading Practices of Primary and Secondary School Students - Barometer'23
New study

A Política dos Livros" new book by Mundos Sociais Editions
New publication

New Coordination of the Historical Dynamics and Global Integration of the World Group

CIES leaves social network X and joins Bluesky

18th CIES-Iscte Research Forum Highlights the Crucial Role of Participation and Democracy

European project H:OUSE promotes integration of migrants through access to housing

New coordinators in CIES research groups

Tripé Inadiável new book by Mundos Sociais Editions
New Publication

Ler História - New Issue
New Publication

Inclsuion+ project launches new website and image

Portuguese Emigration Factbook 2023 now available