IN_Iscte project Promotes Inclusion and Academic Success


The “IN_Iscte - Space to Grow” project, coordinated by Professor Rosário Mauritti of CIES-Iscte, aims to reduce school dropout and promote the academic success of students in the 1st year of the 1st cycle of studies at Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.

The project has four specific objectives:

    1. Improve the integration and success of new students through mentoring and tutoring programs.
    2. To promote the sharing and dissemination of innovative teaching practices inside and outside the classroom, renewing and diversifying methodologies and technological tools.
    3. Developing mechanisms for identifying, communicating with and monitoring students at risk.
    4. Strengthen self-learning and teamwork skills.

The project also aims to broaden the social base of higher education students, paying special attention to groups that are traditionally under-represented or have difficulties integrating, such as students with disabilities, beneficiaries of school social action, from PALOP countries, displaced from their habitual residence, student-workers, among others.

Meet out team



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