

The Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte) is a social science R&D unit of Iscte - University Institute of Lisboa, recognised and evaluated by the FCT, with the aim of creating and promoting knowledge about current social problems from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Founded in 1985 with sociology as its main scientific area the centre is also developing relevant activities in the domains of public policy, political science, communication sciences, modern and contemporary history and social work.

The main mission of CIES is to produce high quality research that contributes to the understanding and awareness of societal challenges and global threats and to provide evidence-based policy recommendations.



“CIES is a research centre with a diverse and multidisciplinary team that promotes a strong relationship between science and society”

Teresa Patrício

Diretora CIES Teresa Patricio



CIES Numbers



2022 data




The centre focuses on integrating fundamental and applied research, policy-oriented research, advanced training, dissemination activities, and scientific production. It encourages diversity and a blend of intensive and extensive approaches to deepen the analytical relationship between the study of social, political, and historical macro-processes and the social, cultural, and spatial micro-dynamics.

CIES-Iscte operates through Research Groups that spearhead research projects funded through competitive calls for tenders with rigorous scientific evaluation. Furthermore, the centre leads applied research projects and knowledge transfer activities bolstered by well-established scientific expertise.

Deeply involved in numerous projects sponsored by national and European agencies or foundations, research programs, and international scientific cooperation networks, CIES-Iscte stands at the forefront of impactful and cutting-edge research endeavours.





Research Groups





The Centre is responsible for the scientific and the administrative coordination of PhD programs in Political Science, Communication Sciences,Modern and Contemporary History, Policies of School Administration and Management,Public Policy, Social Work, Sociology, and is associated with four others - Communication Studies Technology, Culture and Society, Political Economy, Urban Studies and PIUDHist.

In the field of scientific communication the centre has a consolidated editorial activity, publishing the journal Sociologia Problemas e Práticas and several collections of books through the publisher Mundos Sociais.


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PhD Programs





Sustainable Development Goals


In line with the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, CIES-Iscte and Iscte consider the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be key to promoting prosperity and well-being for all by 2030. CIES-Iscte intends to actively contribute through research activities geared towards achieving the SDGs. 

Ongoing research projects are relevant to the following Sustainable Development Goals:




Research team


CIES-Iscte's research team includes researchers (integrated PhDs), associate researchers and research assistants. Since 2020 it has been possible to hire 33 researchers under programs such as the Transitional Standard, Individual Scientific Employment and Institutional Scientific Employment. The center has more than 80 fellows, most of whom have PhD scholarships and the rest have research assistantships and post-doctoral fellowships.

With regard to the gender distribution of the team, the percentage of female researchers is around 60%. Looking at the internationalization of the teams, the center has more than 30 visiting researchers from 19 different nationalities.