Fábio Faria wins Mário Soares Prize 2021
Thesis about Spanish refugees in Portugal wins 23rd edition


The work of CIES-Iscte researcher Fábio Faria, with the theme "Spanish refugees in Portugal: between police repression and popular solidarity (1936-1945)", won the Mário Soares Prize - EDP Foundation 2021.


The Mário Soares Foundation has nominated the researcher's doctoral thesis in History as the winner of the 23rd edition of the prize, worth five thousand euros. The decision was taken unanimously by the jury, presided by Professor Ana Paula Pires, with Carlos Vargas and David Castaño as members.


Fábio Faria's work is the result of "a rigorous and innovative research that brings us a new perspective on the impact of the Spanish Civil War in the Iberian Peninsula, based on the analysis of the presence of Spanish refugees in Portugal during the years of conflict," says the foundation, clarifying that "the thesis was based on a body of documents, mostly unpublished, largely based on police sources."


The award ceremony will take place on December 7th, in the Foundation's auditorium, on the occasion of the 97th anniversary of Mário Soares' birth, with online broadcasting through the Zoom platform, and will be attended by the Mayor of Lisbon, Carlos Moedas.


The Mário Soares Foundation Prize was created in 1998 with the aim of "rewarding the authors of theses and dissertations or other original research work carried out in the field of Contemporary Portuguese History, with a value of five thousand euros". 



→ Investigação sobre refugiados espanhóis em Portugal entre 1936 e 1945 vence Prémio Mário Soares 2021 [RTP]