Social Movements and Political Action
Since October 2014, this monthly seminar promotes a multidisciplinary reflection around the themes related to social movements and the different forms of political action, militancy and activism. The aim is to put in dialogue different perspectives, methodologies and approaches in order to develop an in-depth and innovative debate. The seminar also intends to take advantage of Portugal's special geographical, linguistic and epistemological position to cross different traditions of studies on social movements and political action, the different European/North American and South American approaches, as well as to cover cases and areas often excluded from this field of ​​study, such as Portuguese-speaking Africa. Each event, usually taking place on Wednesdays between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., consists of a presentation followed by a commentary and a debate open to the audience.

Organizers Guya Accornero and Tiago Carvalho accept proposals for future presentations.


Britta Baumgarten, co-founder of this initiative (1975-2018)
Political Voice. Protest, Democracy and Marginalised Groups
Political Voice. Protest, Democracy and Marginalised Groups
31 October 2024
Onde Habita a Democracia?
Onde Habita a Democracia?
Seminar | October 15, 2024
Radical left parties and national identity in Spain, Italy and Portugal
Radical left parties and national identity in Spain, Italy and Portugal
Book Discussion | 10 July 2024
Climate Futures and Just Transformations: Agency and young people's political imaginaries
Climate Futures and Just Transformations: Agency and young people's political imaginaries
Seminar | 26 June 2024
What's democratic about innovations? Democratic innovations seen from below
What's democratic about innovations? Democratic innovations seen from below
Seminar | 28 May 2024
Reclaiming Public Spaces: Radical Alternatives To The Exclusionary Project Of Rightsizing Policies
Reclaiming Public Spaces: Radical Alternatives To The Exclusionary Project Of Rightsizing Policies
Seminar | 17 April 2024
Contemporary Challenges to Social Movement Studies
Contemporary Challenges to Social Movement Studies
Seminar | 6 March 2024
Popular Protest, Political Opportunities, and Change in Africa
Popular Protest, Political Opportunities, and Change in Africa
Seminar | 29 February 2024
Re-thinking solidarity movements as infrastructure: insights from Athens
Re-thinking solidarity movements as infrastructure: insights from Athens
13 December 2023 | Online Seminar
"Stop Border Violence" - Strategic use of European citizenship, between theories and practices
"Stop Border Violence" - Strategic use of European citizenship, between theories and practices
28 November 2023 | Workshop
Voices from the Margins: Popular organization and political participation on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro
Voices from the Margins: Popular organization and political participation on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro
18 October 2023 | Bruno José da Cruz Oliveira
Repeated Exposure and Protest Outcomes
Repeated Exposure and Protest Outcomes
19 July 2023 | António Valentim
From Protesting Against Troika bailouts to Pro-EU Governing in Greece and Portugal
From Protesting Against Troika bailouts to Pro-EU Governing in Greece and Portugal
16 June 2023 | Guya Accornero and Maria Kousis
From past storylines to present moves
From past storylines to present moves
10 May 2023 | Angela Adami
Populism and anti-populism in the age of fake news
Populism and anti-populism in the age of fake news
26 April 2023 | Giorgos Venizelos
New Technologies for Deliberative Democracy at Scale
New Technologies for Deliberative Democracy at Scale
22 March 2023 | Anna De Liddo
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