Profile Photo
Sofia Costa Macedo
Department of History
Office D3.26
Research Fields
Cultural Heritage
Heritage Policies
Heritage and Society
Contemporary History
Cultural Heritage Management
Research Group
Media and Culture
PhD in Modern and Contemporary History, at ISCTE-IUL (Lisbon, Portugal) having presented a doctorate thesis with the title "A Defesa e Salvaguarda do Património em Portugal: as Associações de Defesa do Património (1974-1997)" (The defence and safeguard of cultural heritage in Portugal: Heritage Defence Associations (1974-1997), under the supervison of Prof. Doutora Ana Maria Pina (ISCTE-IUL) and Prof. Doutor Jorge Custódio (IHC/FCSH/UNL).Post Graduate course in Cultural Heritage and Cultural Projects, completed in 2009 at ISCTE-IUL.Degree in History, Archaeology, in 1994 at the University of Lisbon.Started her professional career in Archaeology in several contexts: Environmental Impact Studies, Field Survey, Archaeological Escavations, Heritage valorization projects and heritage management projects.Linked with the heritage defence civic movement in Portugal, being involved with Associação Portuguesa dos Amigos dos Castelos (between 2003 and 2013), as a main cultural projects developer, specially in the field of military architecture and more recently with Associação Portuguesa de Arqueologia Industrial, as a member of ... [more info]
Educational Qualifications
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