Profile Photo
Sandra Mateus
Department of Sociology
Office D3.39
Telephone 217903489
(ext:) 793261
Research Fields
Sociology of Education
Social and educational inequalities
Migrations and Ethnicity
Forced migration
Transnational identities
Transnational families
Research Group
Migration, Mobility and Ethnicity
Sandra Mateus is a sociologist with a PhD in Sociology from Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (2014). She is a researcher at CIES-Iscte and a visiting assistant professor at Iscte, where she heads the Master's programme in Education and Society and is coordinator of the 1st year of the degree in Sociology. She is an elected member of the CIES Scientific Committee. In Portugal, she is currently coordinating the European project H:ouse (AMIF), centred on housing challenges in the integration of refugees (2024-2026), and the European project Space4Us (Erasmus+), on the social inclusion of young people in vulnerable situations (2022-2024). She is pursuing a research programme on the ways in which the identities and belonging of young people of mixed origin are created in transnational family contexts. She has researched and taught in the areas of education, migration, social inequalities and youth, with a particular focus on the children ... [more info]
Educational Qualifications
Recent Publications