Profile Photo
Patrícia Calca
Office D2.26
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Telephone 217903077
(ext:) 722161
Research Fields
Political Institutions; Comparative Politics and Comparative Political Economy; EU; Legislative Behaviour and Decision-Making; Public Policy Analysis; Political Accountability and Corruption.
Research Group
Politics and Citizenship
I am a political scientist (Ph.D.), and currently, a Post-Doctoral Fellow funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology with a double affiliation CIES-ISCTE / University of Mannheim – Chair of Comparative Government, and a Visiting Fellow at the University of Konstanz.Previously I worked in several other institutions like the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, the University of Mannheim, the Open University, the Lisbon University Institute, CIES and the University of Évora, CISA-AS.I was a Research Visiting Scholar at the New York University, at the University of Mannheim and the University of Barcelona. I am an Associate Researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History – New University of Lisbon.I obtained my Doctorate in Political Science (specialization in Comparative Politics) from the University of Lisbon – Institute of Social Science. I also hold a Master’s Degree and a University Degree (Licenciatura), both pre-Bologna, in Political Science from the Technical University of Lisbon – ISCSP.My research is inter-disciplinary and centers on political institutions; comparative politics and comparative political economy; EU; legislative ... [more info]
Educational Qualifications
Recent Publications