Research Fields
Public Policy; Country Image/Brand; PlaceBrand (Territories: Regional and Local); Portugal Country Brand; European Union Image/Brand; Communication; International Relations
Research Group
Politics and Citizenship
Denise Henriques holds a PhD and a Master's degree in Public Policy from ISCTE-IUL, and a degree in Social and Cultural Communication from the Catholic University of Portugal. She is a Researcher at ICNOVA / New University of Lisbon and CIES-IUL / ISCTE-IUL. Specialist in Country, Region and City Brand Policies, relating these Brands to Companies and the Global, Digital and Sustainable Socio-economic Development. In this context, she has been coordinating several projects, lecturing, publishing articles in scientific publications and specialized journals and she is a regular speaker at international conferences. She is the author of the book Marca Portugal: Políticas e Atores, adapted from her PhD thesis and published by ISCTE-IUL, with the support of IAPMEI- Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation of Portugal. She developed, along with AICEP-Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade of Portugal, the Strategy of Portugal Country Brand. She was invited by the United Nations Development ... [more info]
Educational Qualifications
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