Profile Photo
Helena Belchior Rocha
Department of Political Science and Public Policy
Office 1W07
Locker 311-A
Research Fields
Social Work, Environment, Sustainability, Communitary Intervention, Ethics, Human Rights, Social Policies and Well-being, Education, Soft Skills
Research Group
Politics and Citizenship
Helena Belchior Rocha has a PhD in Social Work, is an Assistant professor at ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon in the Department of Political Science and Public Policies and deputy director of the Transversal Skills Laboratory. Integrated researcher at CIES, Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology, linked to national and international research projects, namely 2 from Marie Curie Actions. Author of papers and communications at national and international congresses, in the areas of social work theory and methodology, environment, sustainability, community Intervention, ethics, human rights, social policies and Well-being, education and soft skills. Member of the Editorial Board of national/international journals.
Educational Qualifications
Recent Publications