Profile Photo
Pedro Pereira Neto
Office D3.06
Telephone 217903912
(ext:) 793061
Research Fields
Communication Theory
Sociology of Communication
Sociology of Media
Political Sociology
Public Opinion
Social Research Methods
Cultural and Creative Industries
Privacy and Surveillance
Sociology of Culture
Research Group
Media and Culture
PhD in Social Sciences (with a specialization in Political Sociology) by the Institute of Social Sciences (University of Lisbon). MSc in 'Communication, Culture and Information Technologies' (ISCTE-IUL). BA in 'Sociology' (ISCTE-IUL). Lecturer in the MA in 'Communication, Culture and Information Technologies' (ISCTE-IUL), in the PG in 'Industries and Creative Cultures: Management and Strategies' (ESCS-IPL), in the BA in 'Audiovisual and Multimedia' (ESCS -IPL), and in the BA in 'Public Relations and Business Communication' (ESCS-IPL).Former lecturer in the PhD in 'Communication Studies: Technology, Culture and Society' (FCT), in the MA in 'Entrepreneurship and Studies of Culture' (ISCTE-IUL), in the MA in 'Audiovisual and Multimedia' (ESCS-IPL), and in the PG in 'Musical Marketing' (ISCSP-UL).He is an Associate Researcher at CIES-IUL, Center for Research and Studies in Sociology.He was Director of ICML, Institute of Communication and Media of Lisbon.Currently part of COST Action CA17135 - Constitution-making and deliberative democracy. He represented Portugal in the ... [more info]
Educational Qualifications
Recent Publications