Research Fields
Contemporary history, post-colonial studies, social representations of the “other”, collective memory.
Research Group
Historical Dynamics and Global Integration of the World
I am a PhD student in Modern and Contemporary History at ISCTE-Iul since 2018, with a FCT scholarship since 2020. My thesis deals with the last king of Gaza: ‘Ngungunhane.  More specifically, deals with the narratives that were elaborated around the nkossi and the instrumentalizations used by various political and social groups ( in Portugal and Mozambique from 1890 to 2022). Academic education:- Master in “Management of development” at the International Training Center of the International Labor Organization (2014).  -  Laurea Magistrale in “Sociology” at the Università degli Studi di Torino (2009).  - Bachelor in “Comunicazione interculturale” at the Università degli Studi di Torino (2006). Professional experience: I was Project Coordinator at Accenture-Portugal for five years (2015-2020) and  I worked for 5 years (2010-2015) in the field, having cooperated  as project manager with NGOs in Italy, Nepal, Senegal, Portugal and Mozambique.  
Educational Qualifications
Recent Publications