Research Fields
Higher Education
University Management
History and Sociology of Education
Social Memory
Research Group
Inequality, Work and Social Well-Being
Historian, master in Comparative History (IFCS/UFRJ) and doctorate in Social Memory (Unirio). He is a professor at the Faculty of Administration and Accounting Sciences at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (FACC/UFRJ).  In university management, he served as General Superintendent of Student Policies (Rector), Vice-Dean and Superintendent of the Center for Legal and Economic Sciences (CCJE). He is currently Director of the Faculty of Administration and Accounting Sciences. Member of the Laboratory for Studies and Research in Higher Education (LEPES/Faculty of Education-UFRJ) and the Management, Development and Innovation Research Group (GDI/FACC/UFRJ).  He is interested in studies in the fields of History, Social Memory and Higher Education Policies and Management.   Curriculum - Lattes Platform - Brazil
Educational Qualifications
Recent Publications