Profile Photo
Vanda Ramalho
Office AA3.27
Research Fields
Social Work
Youth studies
Communitary Intervention
Local Development
Urban Question
Socio Sportive
Poverty and Social Exclusion
Wellbeing, leisure and Public Policies
Social Worker, associate founder, and President of the National Street Soccer Association NGO - Portugal (Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua). PhD in Social Work was FCT Research Fellow in CLISSIS at Universidade Lusíada Lisboa, where still collaborates. Currently is assistant Professor at the Social Work Higher Institute of the Lusíada University of Lisbon and Guest Assistant Professor at the Laboratory of Transversal Skills at ISCTE-IUL. Was teacher at the Lusófona University of Porto and at the Degree in Social Work at Lusíada University in Lisbon, even before finishing the PHD. Completed the master's degree in Social Work in 2008, at Lisbon Lusíada University - Higher Institute of Social Work and the degree in Social Work in 2003, at the Portuguesa Catholic University. Between 2003-08, directed the Social Work Office of the CAIS Association. Collaborated in the founding of Street Soccer socio sportive methodology, in Portugal, in 2004.
Educational Qualifications
Recent Publications