Research Fields
Public opinion; political communication; trust in the media; media use; institutional trust
Research Group
Media and Culture
He has a PhD in Communication Sciences from Iscte-IUL with a thesis entitled “Socrates and the ‘others’: contributions to understanding the media effect on institutional trust” with an individual grant from FCT (SFRH/BD/136605/2018). He has a degree in Sociology (2009) and a Master's degree in Sociology: exclusions and social policies (2013) from the University of Beira Interior. He is currently a research fellow on the project (The Matrix of) Populist and Negationist Attitudes towards Science PTDC/CPO-CPO/4361/2021 being carried out at ICS-UL. Between February 2023 and January 2024, he was also a research fellow on the project “Tr@ck-IN - Public employment services tracking effectiveness in supporting rural NEETs” being carried out at ICS-UL. He was a research fellow (2010-2015) on the projects Citizen's Agenda: journalism and civic participation in the Portuguese media (PTDC/CCI-JOR/098732/2008) and Public and private in mobile communications (QREN), both developed at LabCom in the Faculty of Arts and ... [more info]
Educational Qualifications
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