Profile Photo
Tiago Fernandes
Departamento de Ciência Política e Políticas Públicas
Gabinete AA3.04
Cacifo 231
Áreas de Investigação
Democracy and Authoritarianism; Civil Society, Protest, Revolutions and Social Movements; Political Culture; Southern Europe; Comparative Historical Analysis
Grupo de Investigação
Democracia, Ativismos e Cidadania
Resumo CV
Tiago Fernandes (PhD European University Institute, Florence, 2009) is associate professor (with habilitation) in the department of political science and public policy and a researcher of the Center for International Studies (CEI) at the University Institute of Lisbon – ISCTE (Portugal). He works on the politics of democracy, social movements and civil society, with a regional specialization on Southern Europe ( Before coming to ISCTE, he was for twenty years in the faculty of Nova University of Lisbon, where he taught in the departments of sociology and political studies, was director of graduate studies and head of the department of political studies, and served in the directive board of the Portuguese Institute of International Relations (IPRI). His most recent publications are Civil Society, Democracy, and Inequality: Cross-Regional Comparisons (1970s-2010s), Special Issue, Comparative Politics (2017) (co-edited); Memories and Movements. The Legacy of Democratic Transitions in Contemporary Anti-Austerity Protest (Oxford University Press, 2017); Late neoliberalism and its ... [ver mais]
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